Grateful Heart

I’ve been posting less because I’ve been absorbing more. But I will be writing and creating more vlogs in the coming weeks now that I’ve arranged my schedule to free up some of my time.

Tonight I just wanted to share how grateful I am lately. I’ve truly been able to see with a clear heart how blessed I am. No matter what uncertainties life is throwing at me right now, there is still so much to be grateful for. And a grateful heart is a much healthier heart, not just in spirit, but literally and physically. 

All of you have at least 3 things to be grateful for. Try your best to let that gratitude take over your heart. With each heart beat, that grateful energy will improve your heart chakra. Any improvement in energy will help you, even during hard times.

Sleep well everyone. Sweet dreams, and peace. 

5-8-17 Guided Meditation

Hi everyone,

I’ve been taking some time off from writing, mainly because I got sick. Starting to heal up and feel better, and am working on my mind as well. I came across this video and thought I’d share. This particular video has an exceptionally calming narrator. Perhaps one of the more pleasant guides Meditation voices I’ve heard. Hope this helps some of you tonight. 

4-18-17 Don’t Get Stuck on Stupid

It’s easy in this day and age of social media, especially Facebook, with so much news and information, real or fake, good or bad, helpful or distracting, to get stuck on stupid. There is just too much information that streams through while you are supposedly “keeping in touch” with people via social media. What you often keep in touch with is an overload of information, an overload of negative news and then with that, an overload of anxiety and stressful thoughts. It’s easy to get stuck and feel mentally paralyzed in fear, anger, or numbness. 

Try to be mindful of how much time you spend allowing yourself to be open to so much information. I have this bad habit as well. As if I need to fill my head with more negativity! I’ve just recently learned to throw out negative thoughts that constantly stream into my mind for no good reason! The last thing I need is more fuel for them! 

Whatever you see or hear, process what you’re feeling, but don’t get stuck. Stay focused, move forward, push on, and if possible, take action for or against what has you potentially stuck, especially if it can help in a positive way. 

4-12-17  Truly Good Intentions

Keep Your Intentions Pure. The road to hell paved with good intentions are usually made up of good intensions that got diluted from other, not so good sources.
Even if the starting point was good, you have to make sure that it remains as pure along the way. Any tinge of bad or negative intentions, including selfishness, will pervert the purpose and disrupt the outcome. If the true purpose of an idea or action is to help people, but the root of good becomes poisoned with selfish or greedy intentions, the idea or action will end up hurting people. Do not lose your battle with negative human nature. Keep your intentions in line with the Divine Connection. 

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