The Beauty of Doing Nothing

This post may seem like a a counter intuitive post, but let’s talk for a moment about the beauty, and even importance, of doing nothing. 

Modern society tells us in order to be successful we have to work nonstop. Taking breaks are signs of weakness. But I’m saying forget all that. When we need to take breaks, we need to take real breaks. And that doesn’t mean going on your phone and social media for half an hour. I’m talking about unplugging. Doing absolutely nothing. 

I just woke up from a long and unexpected nap and I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it. Yes, I have lots of work to catch up on, but without stopping when it is needed, we are much more likely to burn out; and then comes the crash and burn. 

Busy work can be done even when tired and burnt out. But if you are looking to go beyond busy work and past the rat race, you need as much of yourself as possible to be able to create that. Your well cannot be empty. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of doing nothing to fill it up. 

Grateful Heart

I’ve been posting less because I’ve been absorbing more. But I will be writing and creating more vlogs in the coming weeks now that I’ve arranged my schedule to free up some of my time.

Tonight I just wanted to share how grateful I am lately. I’ve truly been able to see with a clear heart how blessed I am. No matter what uncertainties life is throwing at me right now, there is still so much to be grateful for. And a grateful heart is a much healthier heart, not just in spirit, but literally and physically. 

All of you have at least 3 things to be grateful for. Try your best to let that gratitude take over your heart. With each heart beat, that grateful energy will improve your heart chakra. Any improvement in energy will help you, even during hard times.

Sleep well everyone. Sweet dreams, and peace. 

5-8-17 Guided Meditation

Hi everyone,

I’ve been taking some time off from writing, mainly because I got sick. Starting to heal up and feel better, and am working on my mind as well. I came across this video and thought I’d share. This particular video has an exceptionally calming narrator. Perhaps one of the more pleasant guides Meditation voices I’ve heard. Hope this helps some of you tonight. 

4-12-17  Truly Good Intentions

Keep Your Intentions Pure. The road to hell paved with good intentions are usually made up of good intensions that got diluted from other, not so good sources.
Even if the starting point was good, you have to make sure that it remains as pure along the way. Any tinge of bad or negative intentions, including selfishness, will pervert the purpose and disrupt the outcome. If the true purpose of an idea or action is to help people, but the root of good becomes poisoned with selfish or greedy intentions, the idea or action will end up hurting people. Do not lose your battle with negative human nature. Keep your intentions in line with the Divine Connection. 

3-28-17 Creativity? Levels Unlocked! 

Feeling stagnant? Feeling like your brain has been running on autopilot for a while? Time to wake it up! Do something creative, even if you’ve never done anything creative in your life. Creativity, and the act of creating, unlocks powerful levels in mind, body, heart, and spirit. It is most definitely a part of self care, self development, and self awareness. It creates a positive ripple effect within you that can ripple out toward others. Being creative can be healing. 

Not sure how to be creative? Take a painting class, write a poem, watch some Bob Ross and experiment on your own, cut up pictures from magazines and put them back together in your own way and create a collage. Write a story. Look up a DIY project (Pinterest!), learn how to make jewelry or how to work with wood. Take your camera somewhere and start taking beautiful pictures. Learn how to play an instrument. Anything you’ve ever thought might be fun to try one day, try it now. Your inner child will thank you. 

I will be creating some painting vids soon at The Drawlers channel so stay tuned! 

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